Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Pirate Music Box Prototype1 - The end of Studio1

Finally, I came up with the first prove of concept on Pirate Music Box that users can try it online. Please follow this link to try the project yourself. http://www.umyot.com/thesis/prototype1/

There are many parts need to be improve
1. The syncronization between Flash and the number of user online from Azureus
2. Movieclip graphic and animation
3. Sounds need to be more musical

Download the project design document at:

Download the prototype Flash project file at:

Friday, May 18, 2007

Refine 3rd thesis statement

This is my 3rd version of thesis statement.

Interactive media installations can help advertising catch an audience's attention. However, not every out-of-home interactive advertisement is successful in terms of the marketing impact that was expected. This thesis studies examples of both successful and failed out-of-home interactive advertising in order to develop a prototype interactive installation and accompanying guidelines to improve out-of-home interactive advertising.

This research covers these areas that involve advertising and marketing success.

Location: How does one pick a good out-of-home location for interactive advertising?
Target group: What are good targets group for interactive advertising?
Campaign Length : How long should the interactive advertising be displayed, and how long should the campaign run?
Time: How long should the participation take to participate with the piece?
Space: How big should the interactive installation be?
Interaction: What kind and level of interaction are suitable for interactive advertising?

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Motograph: Interactive music for marketing

Motorola is always famous for using music marketing correctly to achieve youth market. Motograph is another success about the use of a combination of interactive media and music. Motograph opened the campaign with an event that invited many graffiti artists to do graffiti with grow in the dark paint. Then the system translated the strokes into sound signals combined to songs that people can log on a website to download them. The audience also had a chance to join and paint themselves, and they could go to the site to load their self-graffiti translated ringtones.

However, the event was over, and Motorola does not provide the previous service anymore. Motograph transformed into web-based DIY ringtone maker. The users can pick any elements, text message, logo or graphic, to let the system translates them into ringtones that the users can download them into their Motorola cell phone.

This project is a good example of a successful project because it caught a lot of attentions and emphasized Motorola brand for the market. Also, the project shows an example of dynamic visual translation into sound, influence of music on interactive art, using music and interactive art as marketing components, and adaptation from interactive event into web-based interaction.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

BBC World On-Site Voting Billboard

BBC World penetrates the US viewer market using interactive billboard in the heart of New York city. The board shows a current social issue and let people vote by using text messages. This idea from BBDO New York answers the current interactive ad stream in the right place and time. The location is right because it has high traffic. Most important, the billboard works as a counter itself that proves ad viewed number while it promotes BBC dynamic content image. In addition, BBDO New York walked with a Best of show award from OBIE awarded by Outdoor Advertising Association of America.

This is a successful example of subtly using interactive component for advertising. The ad fixes the issue moving media and moving people because normally moving ad cannot communicate with moving audience very well. However, BBC vote billboard is still to support moving audience but dynamic enough to be very interesting.

Read more:
- Advertising Age: http://adage.com/article.php?article_id=116589
- BBC UK: http://www.bbc.co.uk/pressoffice/bbcworld/worldstories/pressreleases/2006/06_june/wnt_ad_camp.shtml
- International Herald Tribune, “British news outlets seek to fill U.S. hole”: http://www.iht.com/articles/2006/06/01/business/adco.php

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Interactive and Music integration

Jason Freeman, professor of Georgia Tech and a composer, installed a new approach to music composition with interactive component called Flock. Flock is described on the official website in “Flock is a full evening performance work for saxophone quartet, conceived to directly engage audiences in the composition of music by physically bringing them out of their seats and enfolding them into the creative process. During the performance, the four musicians and 60-80 audience members move freely around the performance space. A computer vision system determines the locations of the audience members and musicians, and it uses that data to generate performance instructions for the saxophonists, who view them on wireless handheld displays mounted on their instruments. The data is also artistically rendered and projected on multiple video screens to provide a visual experience of the score. ”

‘Though this is not the first time of interactive approach in music, Flock is a updated example proving interactive music projects are not out dated.

Flock Official site : http://music.columbia.edu/~jason/flock/

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

More Budget on New Media

Advertising fee of new media like website banner ad might not be a big cash, but it has a good sign, at least for now. Although the clients still believe in big events like Super Bowl, WPP group, one of the largest communication service groups, is trying to put client’s money on new media.

"Clients are experimenting because they are sick and tired of media escalating faster than the general price of inflation," Martin Sorrell, Keynote Presentation, Entrepreneur Conference, Silicon Valley, May 1, 2007. (Quote from Adage.com <http://adage.com/article.php?article_id=116465> )