Thursday, September 27, 2007

Thesis Statement 3

Thesis statement: In the 21st century, the blurring line between art and science and the information age encourage interactive artists to use information on the internet as an art element.

For centuries, artists have captured and transformed everything around them into art forms. From their daily lives to landscapes to religious beliefs to inner self-explorations, these art works have provided aesthetic experience and inspired generations. Today, in the information age, interactive artists explore beyond the real world. They communicate with the audience using information as an art element. Through artistic information visualization, information conveys not only data but also aesthetic experience and inspirations like another other art forms. 

Hook - The reasons why information becomes an element in interactive art and design.

1. Today, the line that divides art and science is blurring.

1.1. Artists are also scientists

1.2. Art and science influence each other.

2. Information visualization can reflect the world’s overall movement, social issues, and bias.

3. The activities on the Internet affect the real world. The activities and communities on the Internet become more meaningful to people’s way of life.

4. Since there is much information flowing on the internet, information visualization requires craftsmanship to design information architecture.

5. Example of information visualizations

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Studio 2 Schedule

This is my schedule for this Fall. Pretty much I am trying to squeeze 60% more of my final thesis into this quarter. It's a tight schedule, i know. But isn't it always like this?

Well, something I have to mention is I have to look for an out sourcing programmer to work on my Java component–taking the number of online bittorrent users from Azureus client–because I can save 3 months of learning Java, which is a small part of my thesis. I also need a good actionscript programmer to help me this quarter too.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Example - We Feel Fine

We Feel Fine is an applet that display the Internet user's mood by detecting key words from weblogs dynamically such as happy, sad, guilty, joy, etc. We Feel Fine displays those keywords in six color particles.

Example - Flickr time

Flickr time is a clock interface that uses images from flickr to assemble a clock dynamically. The users can type in 2 tags, one for the hour and the other for minute.


Amaztype synchronizes with amazon database to allow users to search for book title. Amaztype will arrange the book covers into the keyword the user typed in.

Example- Digg Lab and the new information displays

Digg labb came up with many new and experimental ways of displaying storie people digged real-time.

Bigspy-headline style




Example-Voyage - RSS Reader

Voyage is an RSS Reader that pulls information from the user's browser favorites and simulates them in a nice 3D interface.

a href="

Example-News Map

News Map is an application that tracks news headlines from Google news and visualizes them to show relationships between tons of pieces of informations. The bigger the headline, the more it's shown in Google search result. News map shows how the world conceives informations through Google bias.